Tuesday, November 16, 2021

stone age

 Me Azna and Nora set off into the time travel portal.Nora said “look Mikayla there are numbers everywhere in the portal” then we stopped floating. We need to  find the cave painting.when  we came across a woolly mammoth wait why was it not moving was it dead or something “Mikayla" look there is a spare over here do you a cave man was here” “yes i do think there was a caveman was here” i said to Nora then as we looked behind us we saw footprints behind us then we knew that we were being followed by cavemen we wonder why we were being followed but we couldn't be worrying about cavemen we have to be focused on the cave paintings and were they are so we set off to find the cave paintings. Then we made a hut for us to stay in for the night and for shelter because what if it rains  then what would we do then we went to bed at sun rise we looked around oh  my gosh we were trapped by the cavemen we thought how did they do this without waking us up “we can't worry about that right now okay we have to be worrying about getting out of here” “i knew it i knew they were following us this is  weird” “you guys look” “what” :the paintings there right over there” we can go now  THE  END ...😁

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