Tuesday, November 16, 2021



Axolotls are mexican crawling fish they live in water and they live on land when i turn 11 i am getting a Axolotl and the cool thing is that i am ten now and i am turning eleven this year i can't wait to get a pet Axolotl this year but the things that they eat are weird well one of the things that they eat aren't weird hear is a picture of their food that they eat these are called ivy pallets there is another thing that they eat to here is a picture of the food that they eat   those are called ivy black pickel worms they look so disgusting they also eat tropical fish but mostly pallets and black pickel worms it is such a weird name for food right oh i just can’t wait to get my axolotl this year.This is the Axolotl that i am getting when i turn eleven because we already bought it but we are waiting for it to come.But it will probably come when i turn eleven because they are in mexico so it will probably come next year i don’t know when it will come actually but i hope that comes this year i can’t wait to get it.It will be so fun.i will play with it every day i  can’t wait for it to come This is a picture of my axolotl so cute right

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