Wednesday, December 1, 2021


    Jean tool bags

Jean tool bags are these tool bags that are made out of jeans and short 

You use the back of the shorts so that you can have some pockets on it but  then you turn the back into the front. It may seem weird but it isn't actually bad. Lots of people made jean tool bags. 

And some people were hand sewing there 

Wanted poster


Watch out this girl is a psychopath she does things like blow up things like hospitals and banks she  has a brother named Ian and some friends that are named Casey Noi Eron Zane Koichin pierce  her brother Ian also blows up stuff to so if you see her don't get to close or  you could be hurt very very bad so when she isn't looking then you can get Mikayla

My reading definitions


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Diamond by mikayla


It was a sunny day and I was going for a walk with my family and then we saw a diamond  in the paddock. We didn't know what to do with it so we left it in the paddock. Then we came back the next day and then there was more than there was yesterday. There  was a billion or something                                                                                  well there was probably more than a billion and it was cool because it was as big as a truck but I thought it looked like there was a billion  so   We all got the same amount as each other then we sold some of them for money and then we gave some to people who are poor then we used the rest to make our house look better.and  our rooms are cooler with bunks and desks and other stuff.  Then we used some to buy lots of food for us and our pets.and the best thing was that we got the best thing ever it was … t vs in our rooms it was so fun because we could be on our top bunk well we watched our T v THE  END❤  


 MY DOGS  HIDEY & SKY                                                                                                 They are black and white dogs. They are two months old. They are girls. They  have blue eyes and she has  seven but they only live with one of them. They are very playful sometimes and other times they are not. They are always playing around  and being silly. And in the end they are cuddling when they are sleeping. It is so  cute. THE END ...    

my story

  Hi my name is mikayla and i am telling my school  life story or my story i guess okay so it starts on a sunny day i was moving schools to oruaiti school when i first saw my classroom everyone looked so big i thought i would be the youngest in the classroom because everyone looked so tall  but after a couple of days i got use to every one and then i started to play with Chanel and Azna they were my best friends when i first started oh and indica was my friend to i was exsited to see that i was able to use a chromebook for all my work it was awesome i thought this school was amazing cool fantastic and impressive.I like this impressive school i could go to this school for ever or maybe not forever but maybe for a long time at least  well ya any way this school is very cool and awesome

whaea Kenya

 Dear whaea Kenya it has been fun having you as a teacher at oruaiti school especially all the maori all that you have been teaching me. Thanks to you for helping me to have courage to  speak maori in front of people i will miss you being a teacher i hope you go to a good school hopefully you can teach them all the stuff that you taught us to do and teach  them to sing tua or the dance  moves  well have fun bye from MIKAYLA      BYE   BYE

stone age

 Me Azna and Nora set off into the time travel portal.Nora said “look Mikayla there are numbers everywhere in the portal” then we stopped floating. We need to  find the cave painting.when  we came across a woolly mammoth wait why was it not moving was it dead or something “Mikayla" look there is a spare over here do you a cave man was here” “yes i do think there was a caveman was here” i said to Nora then as we looked behind us we saw footprints behind us then we knew that we were being followed by cavemen we wonder why we were being followed but we couldn't be worrying about cavemen we have to be focused on the cave paintings and were they are so we set off to find the cave paintings. Then we made a hut for us to stay in for the night and for shelter because what if it rains  then what would we do then we went to bed at sun rise we looked around oh  my gosh we were trapped by the cavemen we thought how did they do this without waking us up “we can't worry about that right now okay we have to be worrying about getting out of here” “i knew it i knew they were following us this is  weird” “you guys look” “what” :the paintings there right over there” we can go now  THE  END ...😁



Axolotls are mexican crawling fish they live in water and they live on land when i turn 11 i am getting a Axolotl and the cool thing is that i am ten now and i am turning eleven this year i can't wait to get a pet Axolotl this year but the things that they eat are weird well one of the things that they eat aren't weird hear is a picture of their food that they eat these are called ivy pallets there is another thing that they eat to here is a picture of the food that they eat   those are called ivy black pickel worms they look so disgusting they also eat tropical fish but mostly pallets and black pickel worms it is such a weird name for food right oh i just can’t wait to get my axolotl this year.This is the Axolotl that i am getting when i turn eleven because we already bought it but we are waiting for it to come.But it will probably come when i turn eleven because they are in mexico so it will probably come next year i don’t know when it will come actually but i hope that comes this year i can’t wait to get it.It will be so fun.i will play with it every day i  can’t wait for it to come This is a picture of my axolotl so cute right

Monday, November 15, 2021

The guinea pig spelling bee

 The guinea pig spelling bee there are two contestants Maddie and whisper there was a red button in front of each guinea pig  there is a girl that had two guinea pigs they had to compete in a spelling.The girl said the words that they had to spell whisper was the first one to touch the red button so he got to answer first  your word is Expression  Expression correct your next word is Aggression  Maddie got it ! so your next word is  magic maddie got it again ‘M A G I C’ you got it right.  So as you can see maddie won so that means that see wins the guinea pig spelling bee …

Friday, October 29, 2021

ORUAITI school won for the environmental and sustainability award

his is the video of how and why we won for environmental and sustainability award what i  would do with the 💰money is make a wall around the ducks so that if they escape we won't have to go looking every were for them because they will be in a little area because the wall will be trapping them and i would get a GIANT    incubayter  so we can put all the eggs in it so we can have more that are eggs hatching. i will also some new books for the library.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

pet day art

 This is my vegetable  animal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Name/ Mr Crabs                                                                                                                                                   he  is a apple crab                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        it was fun                       

                                                 This is my dinosaur land I made a volcano and at the end the judges                                                                      did not make it explode  i used  my brothers dinosaurs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                                              for my flower I made a  flower out of clothes                                                                                                                            and i came third place                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                                                                     My clay  dogs name is Hidey  it is my pet dog at home it is really playful                                                                                    pet day was the best day ever it was                                                                                                         so fun I cant wait until the next pet day                                                                                                                    THE END